Assembly generation failed -- Referenced assembly 'Interop.Project1' does not have a strong name
1. Add ShDocVw reference in my C# project
2. Make method calls
SHDocVw.IWebBrowser htmlDoc2 = (SHDocVw.IWebBrowser)this.Explorer;
string s = htmlDoc2.LocationURL;
3. Error when compiling
If a Visual C# .NET project references the COM Interop assembly, the COM Interop assembly is generated for you when you reference the COM dynamic-link library (DLL). You can specify the wrapper assembly key file in the Visual C# project properties as follows:
To strongly-name a VS-generated Interop assembly, you need to go to yourproject properties and in the Common -> General section, set the WrapperAssembly Key File to point to your SNK file. The path used is relative tothe csproj/vbproj file, so for a typical arrangement where the snk file iswith the sln file and the projects are in subdirs, then it'd be just"..\yourkey.snk"